To a certain degree sacredness is in the eye of the beholder

The dipole between the East and the West and its cultural and historic notions constitute the theory around which evolves the project by Stefania Strouza entitled To a certain degree sacredness is in the eye of the beholder. The artist uses suggestively a complex grid of intertextual references, ranging from the trip that took place in the context of the 4th CIAM—International Conference of Modern Architecture in 1933 to Medea by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1969. In the different parts of her installation, Strouza traces and presents opposing material features, correlated to the modernism and tradition of the East.

Excerpt from the catalogue text of the exhibition Afresh: A New Generation of Greek Artists, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, curated by Daphne Dragona, Tina Pandi and Daphne Vitali